The Importance of Self Care

The Importance of Self Care

Self-care is a beautiful, health-enhancing practice that is there not only to nourish our  physical bodies; but also our minds and soul.  Yet, as much as it nourishes us on a deep and holistic level, it is a practice that many  women neglect or often don’t think of as...
What Makes Meditation So Hard? 

What Makes Meditation So Hard? 

Have you ever tried to learn how to meditate? Maybe you’ve tried it once and it didn’t “work” so you dropped the practice. With so many people hyping about its benefits, why is it so hard to do? If you’re like me, you began trying meditation out because you wanted a...
Letting Go

Letting Go

I remember it like it was yesterday. It was new and everything felt so perfect. We couldn’t keep our hands, eyes or thoughts away from one another. We smiled all the time and it was evident to everyone around us that we were in love. We went to our first holiday...
How to Stay Consistent With Your Goals

How to Stay Consistent With Your Goals

Author/Guest Blogger: Katy Rothschild – Whether your goals are business related or personal, one thing is true: consistency is key. It’s also one of the main challenges people face when it comes to accomplishing their goals....
Colors: Messages & Meanings

Colors: Messages & Meanings

Do you ever wonder what it means to have the clothing colors you have? Do you pick one article of clothing every time it’s clean and have another that hasn’t been worn in years? Did you know the colors you surround yourself with, the very shirt you have on, is a form...